Tony Szamboti

White paper by Graeme MacQueen, PhD (Harvard) and Tony Szamboti, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University, refuting Bazant's hypothesis which was used by NIST

Original article by Bazant and Zhou:
BazantZhou_WTC.pdf - proposed a "pile driver" which would make a jolt, and slow as momentum is transferred.

Refuattion by MacQueen and Szamboti:
MacQueenSzambotiWTCMissingJolt.pdf - ask where is the jolt?  Why did the top floors speed up?  Where's the pile driver?


Graeme's degree is in literature, however he did get in to Harvard (pretty hard).  Here he speaks at the University of Waterloo, Canada.



Tony worked as an engineer in industry, and on aircrafts for the U.S. Navy. He got in to Villanova (a good school) and was interviewed by Geraldo Rivera of Fox TV.


